News & Blog


Has your company had an outbreak of Infection?

Has your company had an outbreak of Infection? Are you looking for a professional to assist?Eco-Mist are pleased to introduce you to our colleagues Clean Sweep.Clean Sweep have been in business since 1999 and have an excellent track record within the Electronics, Education, Care Home and Pharmaceutical sectors, delivering decontamination treatments for businesses up and…


Six Things You Need to Know About Airborne Infections

By now almost everyone on the planet must be aware that infections are easily passed on and difficult to keep under control. But why? Every day, homeowners, businesses, professional cleaners and even specialists in the healthcare sector, work very hard to ensure their facility is as clean as possible to reduce the risk of infections.…


How important is Hand Hygiene

Hands are the main pathways of germ transmission during health care. Hand hygiene is therefore the mostimportant measure to avoid the transmission of harmful germs and prevent health care-associated infections. A large percentage of foodborne disease outbreaks are spread by contaminated hands. Appropriate hand cleaning practices can reduce the risk of foodborne illness and other…


What does “kills 99.9999%” actually mean?

It’s now common to see claims of log reduction on disinfecting and sanitising products, 99% kill rate, 99.99%, kill rate, 99.9999% kill rate. Log 3, Log 5 and so on. But what does this actually mean for the you? From the outside 99.9% seems pretty effective, is it really? Log Kill effectively is the efficacy…


Helping the NHS tackle COVID-19

Covid-19 has changed the way the world looks at health, hygiene and human interaction. Everyone, everywhere should by now be aware of the importance of hand hygiene, the wearing of face coverings and the need for social distancing, to prevent the spread of the virus by airborne transmission and surface contact. After a severe period…