Helping the NHS tackle COVID-19

Helping the NHS tackle COVID-19

Covid-19 has changed the way the world looks at health, hygiene and human interaction.

Everyone, everywhere should by now be aware of the importance of hand hygiene, the wearing of face coverings and the need for social distancing, to prevent the spread of the virus by airborne transmission and surface contact. After a severe period of national lock-down in the Spring, we seemed to have the Coronavirus on the run. But, as predicted by infection prevention and control specialists, the virus is back, more virulent than before, with gloomy predictions of even higher death rates than we saw in the first wave.

The NHS is in danger of being overrun if we cannot determine who has the disease, who hasn’t and where they are. It might not be common knowledge yet, but the NHS are rolling out an ambitious programme of local Covid-19 Test Centres across the UK as we speak. So far, semi-permanent test centres have been set up from Southampton to Sunderland to Dundee, with the aim of creating hundreds more centres before Christmas 2020, to radically increase local testing capacity.

InfectionGard is delighted to say that we are supporting the NHS in this effort, by equipping the test centres (manufactured by one of our major distribution partners) with fixed dry misting systems in every testing bay. Using our non-toxic, air and surface sanitiser, testing rooms are decontaminated in minutes, after every time a test is completed and before the next subject enters the room for their test. This eliminates the possibility of cross-infection between people who attend the centre for a test.

Because our misting solution is not toxic to humans, yet it is lethal to up to 99.9999% of pathogens present, including Covid-19, it means testing rooms can be used immediately after the dry misting process has been completed. That allows the NHS to complete hundreds of test every day in local communities. This will radically improve test, trace and isolate rates throughout the UK.

We are proud to be the company of choice to support the NHS in this most difficult challenge; to help protect the health of the UK population and get Britain back to, as near normal as we are likely to get.

Our eco-friendly range of products are available through our dedicated UK and International Distributor network. Our broad spectrum biocides and misting equipment, can safely be used in almost any sector or environment and can help healthcare professionals, educators, businesses and consumers to keep their premises and their people safe from all types of pathogens – not just Covid-19.